St Hilary's Conference 2024 Registration

Monday 12th August at St Hilary’s Anglican Church, 12 John Street, Kew

Join us in one or more of the following ways: 

1. Morning Session:  
Arrive 9:30am for 9:45am start

2. Evening Session:  
Arrive 6pm for light dinner for 7pm start

3. By Livestream:    
Join in live from 7pm or later in night.


Cost: $5 donation towards lunch/dinner

Note: The Evening Session will be a repeat of the Morning Session.


Tip: Choose an option to view the description of the elective below.

#1 Practicing the Way: Intro to Solitude Course  | Liz Webster

‘Practicing the Way’ seeks to help people learn how to be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did. They create resources that are all about integrating the practices and rhythms of Jesus and his earliest followers, creating space for the Holy Spirit to form people of depth and love. There are nine core practices that shape this course; this session will give you an overview introduction to Practicing the Way as well as the start of the practice of Solitude. This elective is recommended for anyone, and especially Connect Group Leaders.

#2 One to One Gospel Witness  | Adam Cetrangolo

In a recent sermon Adam jested that if we took a survey of the Church asking whether people believed that Evangelism should be a priority for St Hilary's, most if not all hands would go up.  However if the next question was, ‘Who wants to be part of the Evangelism Team?’, it's likely that far fewer hands would go up. The truth is that not all of us are Evangelists.  But every person who is a follower of Jesus is called to be a witness. The role of a witness is to be able to say, 'This is what I have seen and experienced in my own life.' This elective will prefigure the work of the Evangelism Strategy (to be launched in the latter part of this term) and in particular provide insights into having Gospel conversations with people in our respective orbits.

#3 Growing Your Child's Spiritual Muscles | Amanda Lincke

If you're a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle of young children this elective is for you. Spiritual formation can be both an exciting and daunting part of discipling kids. Come and discover healthy and fun spiritual habits that will help children grow their spiritual muscles and create the opportunity to come closer to God.

#4 How to Share the Gospel Cross-Culturally  | Yi Cheng Shih

Embrace the call to "Make disciples of all nations." This elective will help participants develop cultural awareness and sensitivity in their Gospel witness across diverse cultures. While having a special focus on the Chinese context, this elective will also be applicable to cross-cultural outreach more broadly.  We'll focus on building strong, genuine relationships and communicating the gospel in culturally sensitive ways. Equip yourself with the skills needed to confidently connect with and positively impact our non-English speaking neighbours and friends and, given that 10.4% of households in Boroondara speak Mandarin, participants will also learn some helpful Mandarin phrases and customs along the way.